21 Empowering Seeds
by Coach Zev
"Your Devoted Life Coach"

Introduction: What creates your reality?
As you already know, and most probably heard more than once in your life, that what you continually hear and feed your mind becomes your reality. You can convince yourselves practically anything with enough verbal repletion. Mahatma Gandhi said: “A man is but the product of his thoughts what he thinks, he becomes.” Earl Nightingale said in his bestselling recording the Strangest Secret that the “secret” is simply six words: We become what we think about.

Coach Zev with Mark V Hanson & Jennifer Read Hawthorne at the Book Expo America in New York City (June 2005)
Coach Zev with Mark V Hanson & Jennifer Read Hawthorne
at the Book Expo America in New York City (June 2005)

"Coach Zev Saftlas is the King of Inspiration! His Empowering Seeds messages contain an essence and energy that will uplift you, motivate you, and make you feel good about yourself. Thanks, Zev!"
Jennifer Read Hawthorne, co-author, Chicken Soup for the Woman’s Soul, and author, The Soul of Success: A Woman’s Guide to Authentic Power

Empowering Seed #1: Think Positive!
On Oct 12 2004, USA Today featured an article which quoted several scientists that are studying the mind body connection. Herbert Benson, a cardiologist and associate professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School who is considered a pioneer in the field said "Mind-body medicine is now scientifically proven." (see article for more details)
By listening to this 72 second empowering seed over and over again, you will start replacing negative limiting thinking that is holding you back with positive empowering thinking that will propel you forward. I love this quote from Zig Ziglar "Positive thinking will let you do everything better than negative thinking will."


(To activate links, order all 21 Empowering Seeds for Just $19)

Empowering Seed #2: You Can Handle It!
Just by telling yourself you can handle it can make you or break you. When you listen to this 72 second empowering seed over and over again, you will condition your mind to say "yes I can handle it" whenever a challenge passes your way. Many times just telling ourselves that we can handle it can make a difference of wether we do handel it! So always choose to empower yourself by saying Yes I can handle anything that comes my way!


(To activate links, order all 21 Empowering Seeds for Just $19)

Empowering Seed #3: Ask Yourself How
Anthony Robbins says "Quality questions create a quality life. Successful people ask better questions, and as a result, they get better answers." I agree. The quality of your life is dependant upon the quality of the questions you continually ask yourself--consciously and sub consciously. By listening to this minute and 40 second empowering seed over and over again, you will start asking yourself powerful empowering questions that will yield powerful empowering results!


(To activate links, order all 21 Empowering Seeds for Just $19)

Empowering Seed #4: Its OK to Make a Mistake
The ability to bounce back from setbacks, distinguishes the winners from the losers. By listening to this 79 second empowering seed over and over again, you will condition yourself to feel ok with making a mistake. You'll look to find the learning experience within the mistake or setback, then quickly move on to bigger and better things! Stop letting perfectionism hold you back. Let go of perfectionism because to error is human! Its OK to make a mistake! "The greatest mistake in life is to be continually fearing you will make one." --Elbert Hubbard


(To activate links, order all 21 Empowering Seeds for Just $19)

Empowering Seed #5: Everything You Need is Within You
Oliver Wendell Holmes is quoted to have said "What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." Empowering seed #5 is perhaps the most empowering seed of them all. When we choose to believe that we have everything we need within us, we feel empowered to do anything we set are heart on. By listening to this minute and 41 second empowering seed over and over again, you will condition your mind to look within for the answers. Because deep down you know that you have it in you. You just need some reminders once in a while!


(To activate links, order all 21 Empowering Seeds for Just $19)

Empowering Seed #6: Start Fresh Everyday
I don't know who said "today is the first day of the rest of your life" but whoever it was, was most likely very successful. Why? Because starting fresh everyday is a key ingredient of the super successful. By listening to this 73 second empowering seed over and over again, you will learn how to train yourself to energize yourself everyday by starting fresh. Stop letting yesterdays mishaps hold you back! Instead start rejuvenating yourself today!


(To activate links, order all 21 Empowering Seeds for Just $19)

Empowering Seed #7: Feel Good
We attract what we put our attention to. By listening to this 69 second empowering seed over and over again, you will teach yourself how to attract success into your life by feeling good about success. Yes the way you feel about something makes all the difference!


(To activate links, order all 21 Empowering Seeds for Just $19)

Empowering Seed #8: You Are Worthy
We all have a choice to think of ourselves as worthy or worthless. By listening to this 88 second empowering seed over and over again, you will start thinking of yourself as worthy of having it good here on this planet. Why limit yourself by choosing to feel worthless when you can just as easily choose to feel worthy, since ultimately they both are YOUR choice!


(To activate links, order all 21 Empowering Seeds for Just $19)

Empowering Seed #9: You Are Powerful
How powerful are you? The answer depend on what you decide to focus your attention on. When you focus on all things you cant change you feel powerless, when you focus on all the things you have control over you feel empowered. so by listening to this 86 second empowering seed over and over again, you will start focusing on what you have power over and feel powerful and empowered!


(To activate links, order all 21 Empowering Seeds for Just $19)

Empowering Seed #10: Its OK to Ask For Help
Because a verity of reasons, many people go through life with the belief that its NOT OK to ask for help. Yet in order to achieve success you are going to have to ask to help! yes asking for help is a sign on true leadership! so by listening to this 82 second empowering seed over and over again, you will teach yourself to be ok with asking for help. No i am not talking about begging for things... this is about asking for help in an empowered way!


(To activate links, order all 21 Empowering Seeds for Just $19)

Empowering Seed #11: Embrace Change
The late Charles Kettering said “The world hates change, yet it is the only thing that has brought progress.” By listening to this 81 second empowering seed over and over again, you will enable yourself to move forward and make progress by learning to embrace change and deal with change in a positive empowered way.


(To activate links, order all 21 Empowering Seeds for Just $19)

Empowering Seed #12: Let Go
Letting go is one of the greatest powers you possess. By listening to this 86 second empowering seed over and over again, you will enable yourself to move forward by learning to let go of whats holding you back, wether is worry fear etc... Letting go is one of the most empowering things you can do for yourself


(To activate links, order all 21 Empowering Seeds for Just $19)

Empowering Seed #13: Allow It In
We all know people who are very good at allowing all kinds of bad things come their way. They complain and growl. yet this same techquine that they use to hurt themselves with, can be inverted and use by you for your benefit! By listening to this 86 second empowering seed over and over again, you will learn to welcome success and open yourself up to the universe by showing your ready ready and allow good into your life


(To activate links, order all 21 Empowering Seeds for Just $19)

Empowering Seed #14: Happiness Is Free
the late Hellen Keller said "Happiness cannot come from without. It must come from within. It is not what we see and touch or that which others do for us which makes us happy; it is that which we think and feel and do, first for the other fellow and then for ourselves." By listening to this 78 second empowering seed over and over again, you will start choosing to be happy, because happiness is a choice. Happiness is a state of mind.


(To activate links, order all 21 Empowering Seeds for Just $19)

Empowering Seed #15: Dream BIG!
The size of your dreams are dependent on the size of the limits you put on them. By listening to this 80 second empowering seed over and over again, you will start expanding the limits you place on your dreams. Because its up to you! no one can stop you from dreaming, so dream BIG! "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." ~Eleanor Roosevelt


(To activate links, order all 21 Empowering Seeds for Just $19)

Empowering Seed #16: Opportunities Are Everywhere
"Learn to listen. Opportunity could be knocking at your door very softly." --Frank Tyger. "A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty." --Sir Winston Churchill. Opportunity is missed by most people because it comes dressed in overalls and looks like work." --Thomas Edison By listening to this 70 second empowering seed over and over again, you will start developing an opportunity mindset. the rewards are...


(To activate links, order all 21 Empowering Seeds for Just $19)

Empowering Seed #17: Be True To Yourself
I am sure you heard "Honest is the best policy"; but i am here to tell you that that holds true even to yourself! By listening to this 80 second empowering seed over and over again, you will start feeling ok... and recognize what you are good at, and what you not. Once you are honest with yourself, you will free yourself to breakthrough and soar to success. Because if your in denial... you are holding yourself back! so be open and honest and set yourself free! "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." ~Dr. Seuss


(To activate links, order all 21 Empowering Seeds for Just $19)

Empowering Seed #18: Life Is a Gift
The way we describe life has a dramatic impact on the quality of our life. By listening to this 109 second empowering seed over and over again, you will start looking at life in an empowered and inspired way. because life is what you make of it. if you choose to label life as a burden it will weigh heaver and heavier. if you choose to look at life as a weight free dance it will weigh lighter and lighter. so choose to look at it in the most empowering way possible!


(To activate links, order all 21 Empowering Seeds for Just $19)

Empowering Seed #19: Love Others For Who They Are
The more you try to change people and love them only with many conditions... the more stressful you will become. By listening to this 81 second empowering seed over and over again, you will learn to love people for who they are. you will enable yourself to move forward by appreciating people in a more loving and unconditional way.


(To activate links, order all 21 Empowering Seeds for Just $19)

Empowering Seed #20: Love Yourself For Who You Are
In order to achieve any kind of success we have to be comfortable with ourselves. by listening to this 81 second empowering seed over and over again, you will start feeling great about yourself even when you made a mistake, had a setback or whatever. This empowering seed is designed to help you feel good about yourself--under all circumstances. and by the way True self love enables us to be our best for ourselves and for others.

Empowering Seed #21: Believe In Yourself
Thomas Edison said: "If we did the things we are capable of, we would astound ourselves." By listening to this 70 second empowering seed over and over again, you will start believing in yourself and what you have to offer the world. Because each of us has greatness inside of us. So now its time for you to say yes to yourself! dream big... set your goals and go for it, go for it, GO FOR IT!!!


(To activate links, order all 21 Empowering Seeds for Just $19)

The feedback that I have gotten for these seeds
has been just incredible... (see below)

"Many of us have two voices playing in our heads. One that tells us Yes You Can! while the other tells us No You Cant! We choose to listen to the one that speaks with more conviction and power.

By Listening to Zev’s Empowering Seeds 21 Audio Program, you will condition yourself to stop thinking small, limited thoughts and start to think bigger about who you are and what you offer the world.

What I find really special about this program is Zev's genuine interest in helping you break thru your limiting beliefs. I highly recommend you reprogram your mind with empowering seeds starting today!"

Michael Port, Bestselling Author of Book Yourself Solid, The Fastest, Easiest and Most Reliable System for Getting More Clients, www.MichaelPort.com

Rich Fettke"If you want a boost for your motivation, energy for your day, or inspiration to keep moving toward your goals -- create a habit of listening to one of Coach Zev's Empowering Seeds each morning. It will carry you through the day...and brighten up your whole life!"

Rich Fettke, author of Extreme Success

Eva Gregory“I found these seeds to be very potent, filled with positive energy. If every child would get such seeds from their parents, the world would be a much better place to be. Within each Empowering Seed, Zev inspires you to blast through your limiting beliefs and truly embrace your dreams. This product is like the little engine that could for grown ups.

Eva Gregory, author of The Feel Good Guide to Prosperity, www.AbundanceAbounds.com

Dear Coach Zev,

Your little seeds empower me to start my day with purpose, passion and love. I feel that I get so much more out of listening to your empowering voice than from reading these ideas from a book. My heart and soul feel great after listening to your seeds. Thank you so much for creating this life changing product."

Heather Lynn Jergens, Author of Hanging On By A Thread

"With all the negativity in the world today, we all need more encouragement in our lives. Coach Zev offers a prescription for living your dreams with his Empowering Seeds Messages. Tune in to them to plant hope and harvest success in your personal and professional life, starting today!"

Cynthia Brian, radio/TV personality, NY Times best selling co-author, Chicken Soup for the Gardener's Soul, Be the Star You Are!, and Daddy's Hands, Mommy's Heart, Children's Memories, www.star-style.com

"Wow...Just listening to Coach Zev talk to you for 90 seconds a day...and your whole life will change for the better. Coach Zev's energy is contagous. Get ready to see big changes in your life, because...

Coach Zev is 100% devoted to helping you live your dream life. I highly recommend you start listening to these seeds today! These type of seeds will kick start your life!"

Krissy Jackson, Author of Kick Start Your Life

As my great friend Charlie Tremendous Jones says, "you will be the same you are now five years from now except for the books you read, the people you meet, and the materials you listen to." As America's foremost Break Through expert and 10th degree Black belt, I can say that the missing link in most people's lives is Coach Zev's empowering Seeds. If you want the Break Through that you deserve, these empowering seeds will help you to reap a Harvest of success that will amaze you, so purchase them today, and plant them in your heart and mind, you'll be glad you did, I know I am.

International Break Through Speaker and facilitator
Dr Stan Harris

"Coach Zev's empowering seeds are indeed empowering and inspiring. Listen to them everyday...it's like having Coach Zev in your corner cheering you on to success! With this type of empowering soul food... you'll feel energized to go for your wildest dreams! Go for it!"

Lissa Coffey, Lifestyle Designer

"Coach Zev's power and passion come through loud and clear. 'Empowering Seeds' is a great way to energize and empower yourself!"

Mike Robbins,
Speaker, Author, Coach and Former Professional Major League Baseball Player

"Let Zev plant an Empowering Seed of positivity and possibility for you each day and watch the garden of your mind and life flourish in new and wonderful ways."

Christina Gage,
co-founder of MillionaireWomen.com

"Empowering seeds serve as the perfect 'pick me up in the middle of a hectic day', as well as an immensely effective training tool. Some people have spent years reading all the motivational books out there but just need to hear it in this unique manner in order to really "get it." I heartily recommend Empowering Seeds to anyone who has the slightest interesting in making monumental life changes!"

Tamara Dorris, author of Communication Soul-tion and Get Well Now!

"If you feel nobody supports your goals and dreams, you MUST listen to Coach Zev's "Empowering Seeds." Not only does he tell you what you desperately long to hear, he tells you the TRUTH.

Listen to one a day -- it's like taking a spiritual vitamin that validates who you are and what special gifts you have. Coach Zev cheers you on, giving you the strength to ultimately become your own cheerleader!"

Graciela Sholander, Author of Dream It Do It

"Zev is a high-energy individual, committed to helping you reach your potential. That he calls himself 'your devoted life coach' beautifully captures the essence of just what he is. He is devoted.

Also, because it is so imperative to feed our minds empowering thoughts, Zev's collection of audio clips is a nourishing resource for the mind and spirit. Listen to positive input enough, and no doubt you'll begin to feel the growth inside. Grow on the inside, and progress in your circumstances will be a natural byproduct."

Leslie Householder, best-selling author of The Jackrabbit Factor

"Prepare to be amazed. Prepared to be awed. These empowering seeds are instant self empowerment. What a great way to start your day! In just a minute and a half, your mind and spirit will be fed a healthy does of mega-inspiration and motivation. It will incite in you an immediate -- and fervent -- desire to succeed. Coach Zev's energy is contagious!

Fran Briggs, Peak Performance Coach
Author of Seeds for Success

"I always say that if you want to change your reality you must change your energy. When you change your thoughts, you change your energy. When you change your energy, you change what you attract. When you change what you attract, everything changes. Zev's Empowering Seeds will help you seed your mind with positive thoughts and positive energy that will help you change your reality."

Jon Gordon, America's #1 Energy Coach and Author of Energy Addict and The 10 Minute Energy Solution, www.jongordon.com

"Looking for a lift that coffee can't give you? Listen to Zev Saftlas' Empowering Seeds audio messages. They will make you smile and remind you what is important in life."

Christine Louise Hohlbaum, motivational speaker, author, mom expert www.diaryofamother.com

"No matter how busy my life gets, I always manage to get my daily dose of Coach Zev's Empowering Seeds. These audio morsels of truth constantly remind me to live my best life, love myself unconditionally and most importantly, that I have something powerful to offer the world -- me!"

Fran Harris, America's InPowerment Expert

"Ever wish you had a coach to bring out the best in you and get you through the tough times? Well, your wish has been granted. Zev's Empowering Seeds are a series of inspiring, insightful messages that will propel you toward your goals. Empowering Seeds will be there to lift you when you're down. They will remind you of what you need to do if you want to succeed. Zev is a master student of success and a guy who is always positive and upbeat. He cares about your success and it comes through in every message."

Jeff Keller
Author, Attitude is Everything


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